Tuesday, June 1, 2010

PGRI affected the interests of political groups from outside (the 60's)

Indonesian people experiencing:
- The life of a liberal democracy (1950-1959)
- The life of democracy (1959-1965)
The first elections (1955/1956), would have been a single event that is important for political parties to measure their respective strengths. Since then they compete to win the election. Deliberately formed student organization and is affiliated to the world environment for teacher training. IGM college existence, PGI, PGK of others. The position of an organization that is independent and non political parties are sometimes unique destiny. In one sense he was rescued and supported to continue as appropriate bias (Formel), on the other side to enter the effect can speak and act in one language. This tactic is pursued, especially by the CPI, where he has a tactic not necessary to establish a new organization. This situation is really difficult for PGRI, and this must really be felt by the members and leaders PGRI truly non-party individuals, without any undertaking PGRI frill other missions. PGRI identity (Unitaristis, independent and non political parties) can save themselves against the principle of "machtsvorming and mactsaanwending" which comes from education, and welfare of teachers.



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