Tuesday, June 1, 2010

PGRI birth

Proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 by Bung Karno and Bung Hatta as representatives of the Indonesian nation, reorganize public life fairy nation in various fields. The first challenge is to seize the power of government was born from the hands of Japanese troops and maintain Arau residents to uphold the independence from Dutch colonial army attacks, which protects under allied troops trying to restore his power again in Indonesia. On Sunday November 25, 1945, under Allied bombs and the thump of NICA who inhabit the city of Surakarta, the first congress participants PGRI Teachers perform the ceremony (at the time called the reception) the closing of the first congress PGRI. Congress immediately disbanded and returned to duty respectively. Indonesian Teachers Association has stood PGRI abbreviated.
PGRI Congress itself lasted for two days ie Saturday and Sunday December 24 and 25 November 1945. Records collected, among others, first meeting minutes dated 24 November 1945 at the time decided the establishment of PGRI, and on November 25 as the closing and congressional receptions. The idea of formation of the teachers union began from a meeting sponsored by the father of RH. Koesnan, Head Teacher Princess in the way of Kartini, Surakarta (now the Junior High School 3 and 10 Surakarta). Present at the meeting include: Mr RH. Koesnan as initiators, Mr. Moch. Husodo, Mr Siswowidjojo, and Mr Baroyan. Place the congress elected school teacher's daughter, who occupied the school building at the former school van Deventer easterlies, with consideration of the father KH. Koesnan as head of the school and became chairperson of PGRI and the school has a dormitory.
In the first meeting of the congress stipulates that each district in each of java are entitled to one vote. Bali and Lombok one voice, while Sumatra gain a voice. Valid votes received by the congress are 85 votes. The atmosphere of independence and the struggle is coloring the congress so often heard shouted "independence" on the sidelines of the debate and noisy siding-trial, which in snacks boom sound bombs and bullets whir around the congress venue.



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