Tuesday, June 1, 2010

PGRI in Japan era

In the days of Japanese occupation in Indonesia, practically none of community organizations that appear unless the organization form of Japanese. In Jakarta, among others, once there is one form of teachers' unions with a "TEACHER" Lions led by brothers Amin was accompanied by some school principals are Adam Bachtiar saudarqa Soebroto, Ny. Wawuruntu and others. But no clear organizational form.
Lagu Lagu Indonesia Raya Kimigayo allowed in addition, however, all associations / unions are prohibited, thus becomes frozen PGI can not be moved.
Teachers and activists in the teaching environment more took the opportunity to move as leaders of organizations of PETA (Defenders of the Homeland), Keibodan, Seinenden, Fuzikai (for female teachers) and so forth. Which all eventually berhikmah a means to accelerate the growth process, the national consciousness, forming the national unity and a sense of passion to the homeland and the nation's independence as soon as possible.
In September 1942, the Japanese government began to open and Upper Secondary Schools, including vocational schools, such as: Poor Gakko (School Teacher), Kasei Jo Gakko (School of Intelligence Princess), and others.
Although Japan is not good to leave a history of suffering, poverty and hunger and cruelty and deceit, but it must be recognized that in some cases they bring good juaga, such as:
1. the love of the homeland is no longer on the lips only.
2. self-esteem grow and appear correctly on the Indonesian community.



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