Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Events G.30S/PKI treason against Pancasila, UUD 1945, the Indonesian nation and homeland that brought the victim fall of the heroes of the revolution, have been simultaneously building a bed Indonesian people from deception actions of the PKI.
The students and the students appear on the front lines "down the street" waving the banner of fighting as a mandate TRITURA justice and truth that claim to be the conscience of the people.
Meanwhile the rest of the rebellion G.30S/PKI in both Jakarta and in other areas continue to be destroyed by the army with the people under the leadership of General Suharto. The exit Command Letter March 11 (SUPERSEMAR) of President Sukarno, to General Suharto, has opened a new chapter in the life of our nation and state. It must be admitted mentally from the ways and the old patterns is not easy, although the CPI itself has been dissolved and banned. With fortitude, perseverance and wisdom holders Supersemar (General Suharto), the situation can really be saved and the State to avoid a rupture hazard.
In this period of upheaval that too did not bit the teachers, especially in areas that suffered, died and sacrificed for the sake of justice and truth to back purely to the ideals of the independence proclamation of August 17 '45.
Outstanding achievements during the New Order government under the leadership of Pak Harto da include the creation of security stability, social politics and the economy gradually become better, thus giving a strong foundation to move forward to development efforts in order to charge and the achievement of business goals independence. Yet it is unfortunate that the New Order government has done commendable deeds do not include: restraint toward democracy, many arising from corruption, and violations of human rights.



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